Digital paperwork and the ELD Mandate
According to Brian Belcher, co-founder of LoadDocs, a mobile application that integrates with most major ELDs to streamline supporting documents while achieving full compliance, the FMCSA makes it clear that supporting documents are needed to validate On-Duty Not Driving (ODND) time and broadly verify HOS compliance for audits.
“The silver lining here is the mandate allows fleets to collect and retain digital copies of paperwork,” he said. “Simply storing the document is not enough. Carriers must be able to index documents adhering to the categories specified by the FMCSA.
“Additionally, metadata such as the location, driver’s name, date, and time associated with the document must be captured. Carriers must allow drivers access to records, upon request, for a period of six months. These documents and data must be matched up alongside their corresponding record of duty status. Without the proper tools, this will present serious headaches for carriers working to become compliant.”